In order to properly manage system crash reports, certain information is required to allow us to investigate the issue and find a solution. Please set the topic of your post to the Module field (see below, e.g: Crash - Module File Libraries).
The information below should be available in GALEXCEP.OUT or GALCAT.OUT (most recent crash at the bottom of the file) in your BBS directory.
Below is an example crash report:
THE MAJOR BBS EXCEPTION @ 012CD30D (see "Routines" section below)
Recorded 12/1/2021 16:48:11
Access Violation. Attempt to write to: 74bad901
Module "File Libraries"
Input "f"
012CD0A0 _fileup < 012CD30D < 012CD330 _ftfcli
012CDC00 _ftgsbm < 012CDD67 < 012CE250 _iniftf1
74B86D20 _submit < 74B8733A < 74B87430 _taglist
74B9FC30 _gather < 74BA0917 < 74BA5FA0 _nexthigh
74B9FC30 _gather < 74BA36DA < 74BA5FA0 _nexthigh
00000000 Unknown < 74B811C5 < 74B818C0 _addkw
012EB210 _lonstf < 012EB9D5 < 012EC090 _ningrp
012E56B0 _loscar < 012E5C3D < 012E5C50 _absdtdy
01318BF0 _registerDSModule < 013190C4 < 01319A90 _allhex
75A169F0 BaseThreadInitThunk < 75A16A14 < 75A16FC0 VerifyVersionInfoA
77E7AAC0 RtlInitializeExcepti < 77E7AB4F < 77E7AB90 RtlGetVersion
77E7AAC0 RtlInitializeExcepti < 77E7AB1A < 77E7AB90 RtlGetVersion
00000000 Unknown < 00000000 < 00000000 Unknown
Please also include (if known):
- MBBS v10 Release number
- Did the crash happen when you were logged in?
- If so, did it happen while you were doing something specific?
- Can you reproduce the crash? If so, how?
If your system crashes and there is no entry in GALEXCEP.OUT, please provide the following information:
- Date occurred
- MBBS v10 Release number
- System load/usage at time of crash (if known)
- Can you reproduce the crash? If so, how?
- Did you recently make any changes to your system such as adding new modules or changing configuration? If so, what changes?
Reporting system crashes
Reporting system crashes
-- Duckula
// Site admin
// Galacticomm IP owner
// Site admin
// Galacticomm IP owner