Crash after cleanup

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Crash after cleanup

Post by Ragtop »

Has anyone seen this error?

Unrecognized error level=-1073740940 returned from WGSERVER.EXE!

This is a full install, not an upgrade, on a Newly formatted Win 10 machine. Only modules installed are Elwynor Duplicate IP and MajorMUD.They're isn't anything in the galcat file. The audit file looks like it happens when cleanup is finished and the board is trying to restart.

It's happened everyday so far (3 days) but when i restart it, it comes up and seems to run fine throughout the day.

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Re: Crash after cleanup

Post by Duckula »

If you disable DUPIP and MMUD, does it still happen? If not, add one back in and check, then the other to see if we can identify the cause.
-- Duckula

// Site admin
// Galacticomm IP owner

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Re: Crash after cleanup

Post by BlaZ »

I had the same crash on the same day, but it wasn't at cleanup. It was just randomly during the day. Since it wasn't a clean crash it didn't write out a GALEXCEP.OUT and it trashed all my open btrieve .dat files. **cheer**

Luckily I back those up nightly so it was a quick restore. Wish I had more information to share.


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Re: Crash after cleanup

Post by Ragtop »

Think I got it. Turns out it was crashing every time it shut down, not just cleanup. I disabled everything, including all the active html and C/S stuff and webserver that's still enabled by default. Still crashed. Reinstalled the latest update and it seems to be shutting down properly. Must have been a corrupt file. I'll find out for sure at cleanup tonight, but it's shutting down ok now so I think it should be good.

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