This is the log...
11/13/20 13:01:54: ToTry: 0 Trys: 1
11/13/20 13:01:54: Transmitting...Length: 1
11/13/20 13:01:54: Call Placed
11/13/20 13:02:14: REPROMPT SENT
11/13/20 13:02:14: Transmitting...Length: 1
11/13/20 13:02:30: REPROMPT SENT
11/13/20 13:02:30: Transmitting...Length: 1
11/13/20 13:02:46: ToTry: 0 Trys: 1
11/13/20 13:02:46: Transmitting...Length: 1
11/13/20 13:02:48: Call Placed
11/13/20 13:03:02: REPROMPT SENT
11/13/20 13:03:04: Transmitting...Length: 1
11/13/20 13:03:18: REPROMPT SENT
11/13/20 13:03:20: Transmitting...Length: 1
11/13/20 13:03:34: REPROMPT SENT
11/13/20 13:03:36: Transmitting...Length: 1
[EDIT] This is two attempts at connecting.
Duckula wrote:
> How many attempts are set in the dialler for each day? What was the result
> of the dns check?
The dialer has 0 "Connect attempts" set.
So I set Friday to end at 2359 with 3 attempts and now the dialer for today says this:
0000 2359 3 Establishing Connection (1 of 3)
It's been establishing for 10 minutes now.
And this is what i'm doing at the WG prompt to test the DNS:
The DNS server says is at
> How many attempts are set in the dialler for each day? What was the result
> of the dns check?
The dialer has 0 "Connect attempts" set.
So I set Friday to end at 2359 with 3 attempts and now the dialer for today says this:
0000 2359 3 Establishing Connection (1 of 3)
It's been establishing for 10 minutes now.
And this is what i'm doing at the WG prompt to test the DNS:
The DNS server says is at
Ragtop wrote:
> I used to have problems connecting and ended up setting mine to retry 200
> times, timeout of 10 minutes and redial after 2 seconds. It will still dial
> several times before connecting but it does connect every day
Okay cool. I will keep that in mind than. Ya unfortunately for me, being so new, I have no gauge of what normal looks like. So it's really good to hear what things look like for other people for me to compare to.
But i'm working with Duckula right now in PM. I will post a follow up. I think we are really close. And this is going to be embarrassing for me. But i'm an honest guy and I will post my stupid mistake on the conclusion of this in the thread.
> I used to have problems connecting and ended up setting mine to retry 200
> times, timeout of 10 minutes and redial after 2 seconds. It will still dial
> several times before connecting but it does connect every day
Okay cool. I will keep that in mind than. Ya unfortunately for me, being so new, I have no gauge of what normal looks like. So it's really good to hear what things look like for other people for me to compare to.
But i'm working with Duckula right now in PM. I will post a follow up. I think we are really close. And this is going to be embarrassing for me. But i'm an honest guy and I will post my stupid mistake on the conclusion of this in the thread.
THE CONCLUSION - Problem solved
So what the issue was me not paying close attention. On my BBS I've setup channels 01-0F as my inet channels. In the WL dialer phonebook it asks you which channels to use. If your connecting via internet to WorldLink you want to configure that phone number to the channels configured for internet. If your using serial (for modems) you need to set the WL dialer phone number to your serial channels. Me I did none of the above and just followed the existing example which was set to 01 - FF. So the WL dialer was trying to access at the end (FF) which was not configured.
The errors given are not very clear on what is going on. Here is what the log looks like
11/13/20 13:01:54: ToTry: 0 Trys: 1
11/13/20 13:01:54: Transmitting...Length: 1
11/13/20 13:01:54: Call Placed
11/13/20 13:02:14: REPROMPT SENT
11/13/20 13:02:14: Transmitting...Length: 1
11/13/20 13:02:30: REPROMPT SENT
11/13/20 13:02:30: Transmitting...Length: 1
it repeats transmitting length 1 and reprompt sent indefinitely. The status will say "Connected" and the dialer status will say "Attempting to establish connection"
I should have known better as I have door games that are using ghost that have the EXACT same channel requirements.
Thanks to everyone that helped me through this!
So what the issue was me not paying close attention. On my BBS I've setup channels 01-0F as my inet channels. In the WL dialer phonebook it asks you which channels to use. If your connecting via internet to WorldLink you want to configure that phone number to the channels configured for internet. If your using serial (for modems) you need to set the WL dialer phone number to your serial channels. Me I did none of the above and just followed the existing example which was set to 01 - FF. So the WL dialer was trying to access at the end (FF) which was not configured.
The errors given are not very clear on what is going on. Here is what the log looks like
11/13/20 13:01:54: ToTry: 0 Trys: 1
11/13/20 13:01:54: Transmitting...Length: 1
11/13/20 13:01:54: Call Placed
11/13/20 13:02:14: REPROMPT SENT
11/13/20 13:02:14: Transmitting...Length: 1
11/13/20 13:02:30: REPROMPT SENT
11/13/20 13:02:30: Transmitting...Length: 1
it repeats transmitting length 1 and reprompt sent indefinitely. The status will say "Connected" and the dialer status will say "Attempting to establish connection"
I should have known better as I have door games that are using ghost that have the EXACT same channel requirements.
Thanks to everyone that helped me through this!