Update #16

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Posts: 382
Joined: Wed Jul 22, 2020 1:19 am

Update #16

Post by Duckula »

Hi Everyone,

Another ad-hoc update on all things MBBS.

New versions of the Upgrade and Full setup have been put on the website (www.themajorbbs.com/files) and in the file V10-MAIN library of the demo BBS (bbs.themajorbbs.com via telnet). These installers include the following changes:

- Removed Telnet SGA warning to prevent excessing audit logging
- Added option to SMTPD to allow smarthost without authentication
- Fix bug in FTPD causing system crash
- Prevent creation of forums called either 'WorldLink'or 'MajorLink'
which conflicts with the MajorLink system
- Change color of audit trail messages in console to white for
better readability
- Update Teleconference default channel to MajorLink

In addition, the final testing of the MBBS v10 version of the DialSoft FU Globals package is underway and this will be available in the next release. Work on DialSoft CONTROL is a little further behind due to some bugs located during the porting process.

In the past two months we have seen some new systems come online and join MajorLink which is great - welcome to all the new (or returning) Sysops!

As always, we are looking for any old C/C++ developers out there that are willing to spare some time to help work on the project - if this is you, please send me a PM.
-- Duckula

// Site admin
// Galacticomm IP owner
