GHOST and Multi-Serial Hardware Support

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GHOST and Multi-Serial Hardware Support

Post by Malakai »

Well, I've currently tried a rocketport ISA 8-Port card, and GHOST just won't let me use it. Apparently, it supports com1-8 as well as some type(s) of digiboard, 1-32.

Is there anything in any of the developer's documents or anything that says exactly which cards are supported in GHOST? What about a galactiboard?

I will probably try my equinox sst-16 later on and see if that will work.
Last edited by Malakai on Wed Aug 12, 2009 12:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: GHOST and Multi-Serial Hardware Support

Post by dspain »

Malakai wrote:Well, I've currently tried a rocketport ISA 8-Port card, and GHOST just won't let me use it. Apparently, it supports com1-80 as well as some type(s) of digiboard, 1-32.

Is there anything in any of the developer's documents or anything that says exactly which cards are supported in GHOST? What about a galactiboard?

I will probably try my equinox sst-16 later on and see if that will work.
what exactly are you setting up?

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Post by Malakai »

I'm setting up a multi-node ghost server on OS/2. Got the multinode stuff down, as well as the daily maintenance stuff working.. Just need to find some compatible multiport hardware, and rocketport doesn't seem to be it.

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Re: GHOST and Multi-Serial Hardware Support

Post by Stoneslinger76 »

Malakai wrote:Well, I've currently tried a rocketport ISA 8-Port card, and GHOST just won't let me use it. Apparently, it supports com1-8 as well as some type(s) of digiboard, 1-32.

Is there anything in any of the developer's documents or anything that says exactly which cards are supported in GHOST? What about a galactiboard?

I will probably try my equinox sst-16 later on and see if that will work.
I have a couple of the old gcom tech docs on the subject, here is the one about ghost and multiport cards. Thier is 3-4 other gtec docs in the bbsmajor
file area on my bbs.

GALACTICOMM TECHNICAL NOTE (C) Copyright 1994 Galacticomm, Inc.
1994, No. 4 September 20, 1994

Running Doors with The Major BBS
Fabian Cuervo, Technical Support Engineer


This document is a step-by-step explanation on how to set up a
simple Door. You may want to first read the section on Doors in
the System Operations Manual (Version 6.2, p. 277). Basic knowledge
of the BBS is necessary to set up a Door.

The Major BBS requires at least one additional computer to run
Doors. Due to The Major BBS's multi-user architecture, it is not
possible to drop to DOS to run a Door. Each Door computer can support
one simultaneous user (unless you use multi-tasking software, such as
Quarterdeck's DESQview, but that's the subject for another Tech Note).
A serial connection is used between the BBS computer and a Door computer.


Here is a list of the items that you will need to use a Door with The
Major BBS:

- A serial port (with a 16550 UART) on the BBS computer

This is where the Door computer will connect to your BBS computer.
You will have to define this as a SERIAL channel in Hardware
Setup. SERIAL channels by their nature take away from your user
license limit, because you can login through them. Thus, if you
have a 2-user version of The Major BBS, you can only have
one incoming channel and one Door channel. In order to have
multiple Doors and/or multiple incoming lines, you will have to
purchase additional User Six-Packs to add to your license count.

- A second computer, also with a serial port (with a 16550 UART)

This is the Door computer itself. Because Doors are not usually
intensive applications, you don't necessarily need to have a very
powerful computer. In many cases, an older XT-based or AT-based
PC will work just fine. Check the minimum hardware requirements
for the Doors you intend to run. (If you intend to use
multi-tasking software later on, you will need a much more
powerful computer.)

- Null modem serial cable

This is the single most important part of the connection between
the two computers. This cable is different than a normal serial
cable (such as the ones you use to connect external modems to your
computer) in that several wires inside the cable are crossed
with each other to allow a direct connection. The System Operations
Manual contains a diagram of how The Major BBS requires that the
cable be wired. This diagram can be found on page 33 of the
Version 6.2 manual.


Galacticomm Technical Support has found that over 95% of the
problems associated with Doors are due to improper cabling. Many
commercial null modem cables are *NOT* compatible with The Major
BBS. If you're not sure, have your cable checked at your local
electronics store. It cannot be over stressed how important it
is that the cable match the diagram in the BBS operations manual.

- Communications program, such as Telix or Procomm Plus

This will be used during the hardware setup phase of your Door to
test the serial link to the BBS computer. Because the serial port
on the BBS computer is defined as a SERIAL channel within The
Major BBS, this connection can be used to login to The Major BBS.

- GHOST (Galacticomm HOST, included with The Major BBS).

This program, found in GALDOOR.ZIP in your \BBSV6 directory, looks
for a user attempting to enter a Door. It launches the Door
program when requested by the BBS computer.

- A Door program.

Obviously, if you are going to run a Door, you'll need a Door
program. There is a selection of Doors available for download on
the Galacticomm Demo System BBS (305/583-7808) in the DOORS

Library. Additionally, you can find them on CompuServe (GO
IBMBBS) and many other BBSes.

Trade Wars 2002 (Martech Software, Inc.) is a good, easy Door
program to try first. It is simple to trouble-shoot in case of a

- Patience.

A virtue. Setting up a Door, although conceptually simple,
is not a plug-and-play operation. However, by carefully following
instructions, you should have a minimum of difficulty.


Connect the serial port on your BBS computer to the serial port on
your Door machine, using a null modem cable. Test the
connection using a standard communications program (such as Telix
or Procomm Plus). Set it up on the Door computer as if you were
attempting to connect to the BBS through the cable. This is
similar to dialing into the BBS via a modem, except that you don't
have to dial -- just press ENTER in the terminal mode and you
should connect.

With a serial connection, the speed of the serial ports has to be
the same on both computers (i.e., set the BBS to a Maximum baud
rate of, say, 9600 and do the same to your communications

Check the following if the connection doesn't function:
1. Verify the wiring of the null modem cable. See "Null
Modem Serial Cable" in the Requirements Section.
Do not use a LapLink cable for your serial connection.
These cables don't work with The Major BBS.
2. Check that the baud rates are the same on both the
BBS computer and the Door computer.
3. Try lowering the baud rate to 4800 or 2400. If it works
at a lower baud rate, you probably don't have 16550
UARTs, or they are not functioning correctly.
4. Verify that your communications program is configured
for the correct COM port, IRQ, and baud rate. Also,
configure it for 8 data bits, no parity, and 1 stop bit


Doors come in two varieties: Standard Door Programs and DOS
Applications. Standard Door Programs are those programs that are
generally found on bulletin boards that are designed to be run, by
default, as a Door. These programs differ from DOS Applications in
that in addition to accepting input from the keyboard and displaying
their output on the screen, they also accept input from, and display
output to, a serial port.

A DOS Application like WordPerfect only recognizes keyboard and
display devices, it doesn't know anything about interfacing to
serial ports. Using a product such as DOORWAY from TriMark
Engineering, you are able to run most off-the-shelf DOS
Applications as Doors. DOORWAY acts as a redirector for the
keyboard and local screen. It sends characters from the serial
port to the DOS Application, fooling the application into thinking
you are actually typing at the keyboard. It also redirects the
screen output to the serial port, so that what you see on your
terminal is the same as what is displayed on the DOS screen.

Section A below details how to setup Standard Door Programs, while
Section B contains instructions on how to setup a DOS Application as a
Door, using DOORWAY.


Once you establish a serial connection to the BBS from your Door
computer, you can be pretty sure that the hardware is setup
correctly. Now you can copy and unzip the GALDOOR.ZIP file from the
BBS computer over to the Door computer. It is recommended that
you copy this file to it's own directory (see page 279 of the
Version 6.2 System Operations Manual). You will also need to have
the Door program unzipped and ready to go on the computer. It is
best if you have it in its own directory also.

You need to create a DOS batch (.BAT) file that will execute your
Door and then, when it's done, return to GHOST. This file gets
executed when a user from the BBS connects to the Door computer.
The contents of the batch file are just to call the Door program
and to re-start GHOST when the user is done with the Door. An
example is given on page 280 of the Version 6.2 System Operations
Manual. Keep the name of your batch file in mind, because you will
need it later.

All you need to do now is to start GHOST. This is usually done with
a single command, like:


where COMx is the serial (or COM:) port on the Door computer that
you are using (COM1, COM2, COM3, or COM4) and 9600 is the speed of
the serial connection (remember, both sides should be set to the
same speed).

On the BBS computer you need to log in as a user that has Sysop
access so that you can set up the Door option for your users (see
the manual for more info.). Follow these steps:

1. Go to the Doors option and select A (Add a Door).

2. Enter the name of the Door you wish to add. You must use the
same name here as what you named your batch file above. This is
how GHOST knows what batch file to run when you attempt to enter
a Door.

3. Enter a short description for the Door. Be brief, but concise.

4. Enter the first channel on which this Door can be accessed. This
should be the channel number (not Channel Group) that you have
defined as your SERIAL channel in Hardware Setup.

5. Enter the last channel on which this Door can be accessed.
If this Door is available on multiple SERIAL channels, you will
enter the highest numbered SERIAL channel here. If you only
have one SERIAL channel defined, then enter the same number
here that you did for Step #4 above.

6. Enter the key required to access this Door. This is how you
restrict access to the Doors. Enter in the name of the key that
your users must have in order to enter this Door. If they do not
have the key, they will not be able to use this Door. If you
would like to allow anyone to enter this Door, just press RETURN
to leave the option blank.

7. Enter the additional credits per minute to charge users while in
this Door. If you want to charge your users an additional fee
for using this Door, enter the number of credits that you wish to
charge them for each minute they are in the Door. If you do not
wish to charge an additional amount for using this Door, simply
press RETURN.

8. Enter the maximum time in minutes a user is allowed to remain in
this Door. This can be used to restrict how long a user can stay
in a Door. If you only have a single Door machine or don't want
users to waste your Door resources, you can set this option to
allow them to only stay in any particular Door for a number of
minutes. If you want an unlimited time limit (up to the actual
number of minutes that the user normally has in their class),
simply enter 0 for the time limit.

9. Should handshaking be enabled? For most Doors, you should set
this option to YES and select 2 for the next option, the type of
handshaking (or passing of parameters) to use. This option tells
the BBS what type of parameters to pass to the Door program
itself. This allows Doors to receive information about the user,
such as their name, how much time they have left, what type of
graphics they have, etc. Option 2 of the handshaking options
tells the BBS to use the DOOR.SYS method of handshaking. The BBS
will pass sufficient parameters to GHOST which will create three
files called DOOR.SYS, DOOR2.SYS, and DORINFO1.DEF that contains
this information. Most Door programs accept one or all of these
files for receiving information from the BBS.

Your Door is now saved and ready to run -- put it through the test!

The following is a step-by-step example of setting
up a Door program, using the program TradeWars 2002.
A 9600 baud connection between channel 1 on the BBS
computer and COM1 on the Door computer is assumed.

1. Download the file 2002V2B5.EXE from the DOORS
Library on the Galacticomm Demo System (305/583-7808).
NOTE: the name of this file may change with new versions.
2. On the Door computer, make a \TW directory. Copy
the 2002V2B5.EXE file into this directory and type
2002V2B5 to automatically unzip its contents.
3. Run the TWINSTAL utility. Answer "NO" to the
registration question. Enter "Z" at the "BigBang
Universe Creator" prompt.
4. Run the TEDIT utility. Enter your name when prompted.
Answer "YES" to the ANSI question. Enter "O"
(the letter O) at the "TradeWars 2002 Editor"
prompt in order to edit node information.
Select "1" for the node number and node-ID.
Verify that the node parameters are set for:
BBS drop file DOOR
Hardware handshaking YES
COM port 1
Type "X" to exit and "Q" to quit to DOS.
5. Add this line to your Autoexec.Bat file:
6. If you haven't done so already, make a \GHOST
directory on the Door computer. Copy and unzip
the file GALDOOR.ZIP from your \BBSV6 directory.
7. While in the \GHOST directory, create a file named
TW.BAT with the following contents. Use any text
editor (don't include the comments):
CD \TW ; Change to TW directory
COPY \GHOST\DOOR.SYS ; Copy drop file
TW2002 -DOOR ; Run TradeWars as a door
CD \GHOST ; Change back to GHOST dir
GHOST COM1 9600 ; ...and run GHOST again
This batch file will be run every time this door
is activated.
8. Make sure you are in the \GHOST directory then type:
GHOST COM1 9600.
This will start the GHOST program.
9. On the BBS computer, configure channel 1 as a
9600 baud serial port. Bring up the BBS.
Verify on the USERS screen that channel 1 appears
as "Serial channel ready to use".
10. Login with Sysop privileges and enter the Doors
Select "A" to Add a Door and enter the following
Name of the Door TW
Short Description Trade Wars 2002
First channel 1
Last channel 1
Key required RETURN for none
Additional credits RETURN for zero
Maximum time in minutes 0
Enable handshaking? Yes
Handshaking method 2 for DOOR.SYS
11. From the Doors module, select "E" to Enter a Door.
Enter "TW" as the name of the Door.
Congratulations! You should now be in the TradeWars 2002 Door.


Before attempting to run DOS Applications as Doors, it is highly
recommend that you try to install a standard Door program first.
This will give you a good head-start into understanding how Doors
work and will narrow down the trouble-shooting time it takes if a
problem arises.

As mentioned earlier, we will use a program called DOORWAY to make
it possible to run a DOS Application as a Door. PLEASE NOTE:
DOORWAY does not transmit graphics through the serial port. Only
character-based DOS Applications can run. Graphic-based
applications include Microsoft Windows and any Windows-based
programs, Lotus 1-2-3 Release 3 and above, WordPerfect 6 in
WYSIWYG mode, and any other program that uses graphics. You can
use programs like WordPerfect 6 in their text mode, but do not use
the graphics modes.

In order to fully access all the features of a DOS program through
DOORWAY , your users will need a terminal program which has
"DOORWAY mode" support. This is a feature of most popular
terminal programs. "DOORWAY mode" allows your users to use the
full keyboard (i.e. keys such as Alt-A, Ctrl-F10, PgDn, etc.) The
local console of The Major BBS does not support "DOORWAY mode",
but SPXTALK that ships with The Major BBS does.

DOORWAY can be configured to allow you to drop to a straight DOS
prompt or to actually run an application. The difference in setup
between the two is how the DOS batch file that runs the Door is
setup. An example of a DOS.BAT batch file to provide direct access
to DOS on the Door computer is provided on Page 287 of the Version
6.2 System Operations Manual.

If you wish to run an actual application, the parameters that you
would use on the DOORWAY command-line in your batch file depend on
the actual application you intend to run. The following DOORWAY
command-line in your batch file will work to access most DOS

DOORWAY COM1 /B:M /NCD /O:T /V:D /CD /P:\123\123.EXE

Explanation of parameters:

COM1 Specifies the use of DOOR.SYS, the drop file being used.
/B:M Moves line 25 to line 24 for those communication software
packages that use line 25 to specify modem status and other
/NCD Specifies to disconnect without delay after carrier drops.
/O:T Eliminates the delays associated with DOORWAY's opening
/V:D Puts DOORWAY in Direct Screen Write mode, this has to do
with the way the video gets sent to the user.
/CD Changes to the root directory.
/P:\123\123.EXE Runs the 123 program in the \123 directory.

For a list of additional parameters, and more information on the ones
listed above, consult your DOORWAY manual beginning on Page 3-2.

If the Door you set up is just to access the DOS prompt, then when
the users enter that Door, they will be brought down to the DOS
prompt on the Door computer. They will be in complete control of
that computer, just as if they were in DOS while sitting in front of
that computer at the keyboard. Because of this, you must be
extremely careful of who you give access to this Door.

If the Door you set up is to access a DOS application, then it would
execute as it normally does when running from DOS (with the
exception that DOORWAY is what runs first, then it executes the
actual application). The user has full access to whatever functions
the application provides and when they exit, they are returned to
the BBS and the Door is once again available. DOORWAY has effective
security to prevent a user from dropping to DOS from an application.


The following is a step-by-step example of setting
up a DOS program, using the program Lotus 1-2-3. A
9600 baud connection between channel 1 on the BBS
computer and COM1 on the Door computer is assumed.

1. Install Lotus 1-2-3 on your Door computer and
make sure it works properly.
2. On the Door computer, make a \DOORWAY directory.
Copy the contents of the DOORWAY disk to that
3. If you haven't done so already, make a \GHOST
directory on the Door computer. Copy and unzip
the file GALDOOR.ZIP from your \BBSV6 directory.
4. While in the \GHOST directory, create a file named
123.BAT. The contents of that file should be the
following: (Use any text editor and don't include
the comments)
CD \DOORWAY ; Change to Doorway directory
DOORWAY COM1 /B:MZ /NCD /O:T /S:* /CD /V:D^U /P:\123\123.EXE
CD \GHOST ; Change back to GHOST dir
GHOST COM1 9600 ; ...and run GHOST again
This batch file will be run every time this door
is activated.
5. On the BBS computer, configure channel 1 as a
9600 baud serial port. Bring up the BBS.
Verify on the USERS screen that channel 1 appears
as "Serial channel ready to use".
6. Login with Sysop privileges and enter the Doors module.
Select "A" to Add a Door and enter the following
Name of the Door 123
Short Description Lotus 123
First channel 1
Last channel 1
Key required RETURN for none
Additional credits RETURN for zero
Maximum time in minutes 0
Enable handshaking? Yes
Handshaking method 2 for DOOR.SYS
7. From the Doors module, select "E" to Enter a
Door. Enter "123" as the name of the Door.
Congratulations! You should now be in the Lotus
1-2-3 Door.


This should get you going with Doors, it becomes a lot easier the more
times you do it. There are some very interesting Door programs out in
the market, most of them shareware. Try a few of them and don't
forget to register them if you decide to keep running them.

# # # #

Galacticomm Technical Support is available Monday through Friday, from
8:30am - 6:00pm ET by calling (305) 321-2404. Support is also available
via the Internet by sending electronic mail to '' or by
calling the Galacticomm Demo System BBS at (305) 583-7808 and writing a
message to 'Tech Support'.

Galacticomm, Inc. Tech Support: (305) 321-2404
4101 SW 47th Ave., Suite 101 Sales: (800) 328-1128
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33314 Fax: (305) 583-7846

All product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their
respective suppliers. These technical notes are freely distributable.
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Joined: Wed Apr 23, 2008 12:01 pm
Location: Kitchener, ON, Canada

Re: GHOST and Multi-Serial Hardware Support

Post by Stoneslinger76 »

Malakai wrote:Well, I've currently tried a rocketport ISA 8-Port card, and GHOST just won't let me use it. Apparently, it supports com1-8 as well as some type(s) of digiboard, 1-32.

Is there anything in any of the developer's documents or anything that says exactly which cards are supported in GHOST? What about a galactiboard?

I will probably try my equinox sst-16 later on and see if that will work.
GALACTICOMM TECHNICAL NOTE (C) Copyright 1993 Galacticomm, Inc.
1993, No. 1 October 20, 1993

Eric L. Thav, Technical Support Engineer

Among the chief improvements with Version 6.12 of The Major BBS,
increased support for multi-port hardware, other than Galacticomm's own
GalactiBoard and GalactiBox, was added. In previous versions, if a
multi-port serial card, for example, did not meet the same
specifications as the Galacticomm hardware (specifically an offset of
400 hex between each port's base address), Sysops were confined to
running each port in its own individual Channel Group. Because only 8
Channel Groups are available, if a Sysop purchased a third-party 8-port
serial card, future expansion would not be possible -- because each
Channel Group was dedicated to a single port.

Version 6.12 now allows the Sysop to specify the offset between port
base addresses on the card. The default offset, conforming to the
Galacticomm hardware, is 400 hex. The Sysop may easily change this,
though, by editing a field in the Hardware Setup configuration program
(Option 1 from the BBS Introductory Menu).

In order for this feature of The Major BBS to be taken advantage of,
however, the card must be capable of "port stacking." That is, each
port on the card must have a constant offset between each port. For
example, the 400 hex offset used in the GalactiBoard. If the card does
not allow the ports to be stacked, then The Major BBS must be set to use
the original method of placing each port in its own Channel Group. The
default port layout on a GalactiBoard is as follows (remember, this is
hexadecimal addressing):

==== ============ ==== ============
0 0240 4 1240
1 0640 5 1640
2 0A40 6 1A40
3 0E40 7 1E40

Many cards being manufactured these days offer a setting on them that
allows the ports to be stacked. And, some, specifically designed for
use in multi-user situations such as with The Major BBS, come with their
settings defaulted to stacking.

One such company that offers multi-port hardware is DigiBoard. They
make a series of "intelligent" and "non-intelligent" (see the note below
for an explanation) multi-port serial cards that offer either 4, 8 or 16
ports on a single card. The default offset on their cards is 8 with a
default starting base address of 100. The layout, then, would be as

==== ============ ==== ============
0 0100 4 0120
1 0108 5 0128
2 0110 6 0130
3 0118 7 0138

Now, it "looks" like the card isn't stackable, but because this is
hexadecimal addressing, it is. Here is how this card could be set up
under Hardware Setup if were to be used with 8 brand-name external
modems on it:

Channel Group #1: MODEM
Starting channel number (hexadecimal): 1
Number of channels (decimal): 8
I/O base address: 100
Maximum baud rate: 19200
"Lock" these ports at this baud rate? YES
Echo keystrokes to these channels? YES
Use multi-port hardware for this group? YES
Offset between channels (hexadecimal): 8
Init string AT&FE0S0=0S2=255Q0V1X1&B1&H1&R2&T5&A0

Boca Research offers as part of their product line, a 6-port serial card
(model #IOAT66), that will work with The Major BBS. But, each port on
this board is not a consistent offset between each other, so it cannot
be stacked in a single Channel Group. It can be configured, though, to
use two Channel Groups though, each group consisting of 3 channels. It
can be configured as follows:

Step #1: Configure the Boca Research card so that jumper block J1 has
each of the jumpers on the right-hand side (base addresses
240 ... 268, as opposed to 3F8 ... 2E0). This is known as
"alternate address" as shown on Page 10 of the Boca Research
IOAT66 documentation.

==== ============ ==== ============
A 0220 D 0248
B 0228 E 0260
C 0240 F 0268

Step #2: Hardware Setup (Option 1 from the BBS Introductory Menu).


Channel Group #1: MODEM
Starting channel number (hexadecimal): 1
Number of channels (decimal): 3
I/O base address: 220
Maximum baud rate: 19200
"Lock" these ports at this baud rate? YES
Echo keystrokes to these channels? YES
Use multi-port hardware for this group? YES
Offset between channels (hexadecimal): 20
Init string AT&FE0S0=0S2=255Q0V1X1&B1&H1&R2&T5&A0

Channel Group #2: MODEM
Starting channel number (hexadecimal): 4
Number of channels (decimal): 3
I/O base address: 228
Maximum baud rate: 19200
"Lock" these ports at this baud rate? YES
Echo keystrokes to these channels? YES
Use multi-port hardware for this group? YES
Offset between channels (hexadecimal): 20
Init string AT&FE0S0=0S2=255Q0V1X1&B1&H1&R2&T5&A0

One point of confusion with this type of hardware pertains to the use of
IRQs (interrupt requests). The Major BBS does not need or use IRQs on
the serial hardware, instead the BBS polls the base address of each port
to receive the incoming data and writes directly to the base address to
send outgoing data. Using this setup, it is possible to set all of the
IRQs on each serial device to the same number, or if even possible,
disable IRQs (Galacticomm hardware comes with IRQs disabled, by

The use of a 16550 UART chip on any and all serial hardware is strongly
recommended. A 16550 UART (universal asynchronous receiver transmitter)
is a replacement chip for older UART chips on the serial card. The
difference between the 16550 and older 16450 and 8250 UART chips is that
it contains a 16 byte buffer that allows it to hold incoming data that
may be coming in too fast for the computer to handle, due to high speed,
multi-tasking, or multi-user operation. Operating high-speed modems,
telnet:// or

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