
Tele-Arena GOLD, Tele-Arena II, and new Tele-Arena games.

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Post by battleweb »

I knew this new TA would either bomb or not come about at all. 1 year and counting - I could have had a new TA out in 2 - 4 weeks on my own easily.

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Post by Dwagar »

If you knew it was going to happen then why didn't you just program the game last year and everyone would have had the game 11 months ago?

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Re: Lame

Post by battleweb »

Dwagar wrote:If you knew it was going to happen then why didn't you just program the game last year and everyone would have had the game 11 months ago?
1 word = Copyrights

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Uh Oh!

Post by Franchise_24 »

I see a huge flame war about to start....

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Post by VeNoM »

<Getting out the popcorn>
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Post by Dwagar »

Nah, I am going to leave that alone.

It just drives me crazy when people have no faith in people they are counting on to get the job done.

I been programming for years and several times I get that from customers even though I work 12 - 15 hour days and weekend for my company. I just end up firing customers that bother me and the employees to much, thats probably why I am not rich, hehe. But the customers I do have around are like family and I know they will never cancel unless they go out of business ;)

Some people just don't have patience and think you type a few words and the program starts finish programming itself.

Posts: 35
Joined: Fri Feb 12, 2010 8:34 pm

Re: Lame

Post by battleweb »

Dwagar wrote:It just drives me crazy when people have no faith in people they are counting on to get the job done....I been programming for years ...Some people just don't have patience and think you type a few words and the program starts finish programming itself.
Seriously? TA is a text based game. do you really believe he has devoted some grand amount of time to it's development for a year and is still working hard at it because it's sum large scale project? You act like I don't know what goes into programming...I worked for an INC 500 company developing security software for government and private agencies and have worked in the capacity of project leader - I know a thing or two about what is involved in programming and that typing a few words does not yield a program - that's a pretty dense statement, and I have developed text based games far better than original TA. And as far as patience...1 year+ = more than enough patience - I'm just not gunna sit around and give undeserved kudos to someone that isn't putting out results. It's funny watching people here give kudos and kissing up and then outside of the forum whining and complaining - I'm just not one of them. *Shrug*

Just for the record - it's been far beyond a year since he first started developing this new TA look back in the posts in the TA section, he first started taking beta testers back in Jan 18, 2008.

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