Door games... can BRE run under MBBS/WG/WGNT ?

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Door games... can BRE run under MBBS/WG/WGNT ?

Post by yohan »

the doors modules was always very very confusing ...

can anyone lend some insight on this ?


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Re: Door games... can BRE run under MBBS/WG/WGNT ?

Post by dspain »

yohan wrote:the doors modules was always very very confusing ...

can anyone lend some insight on this ?

tell me about it, i personally never used GHOST, i always used a secondary door pc.
i passed this question over to someone that actually used the wg door handler ill see what they say.
download the manual maybe theres something useful in there.

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Post by Malakai »

I have used the ghost program a long time ago. The way it works is that you have to have a 2nd DOS PC connected from your mbbs/wg server via a null modem cable on a serial port.

On the DOS PC, you'd run the GHOST program. What this program does is just sits and waits for a connection and passes the information from mbbs to the door game.

There are many limitations to this program. For one, you can only run one door per null modem cable. Therefore, you are limited to just a few serial/com ports on most PCs. Each door game will take up a com port from the main server, as well as use a null modem cable on each door.

It may be possible to use a multi-comm port app and a program like desqview multitasker for dos, but i've never tried. Also, I believe you can only use one connection per door, even if they are multiplayer doors.

If you're wanting to run only one game of BRE or something, then it may be a good option for you, but if you're wanting to run several door games or multiplayer games, then a better option would be to use synchronet or gamesrv.

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Post by yohan »

hmmmmmmmm... now I'm wondering what type of programs may allow a virtual comport connection to vmware DOS machines... hmm..

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