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Compiling active MBBS/WG List

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 5:12 pm
by Newport
Hello everyone.

I am currently helping Questman compile a list of active running MBBS/WG systems.

In order to make this possible, please email me:

Include the following:

Dial Line #:
Telnet Address:
# of lines
And any additional features/and notes youd like compiled into the list.


Newport - Sysop TLS

Re: Compiling active MBBS/WG List

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 1:54 am
by dspain
Newport wrote:Hello everyone.

I am currently helping Questman compile a list of active running MBBS/WG systems.

In order to make this possible, please email me:

Include the following:

Dial Line #:
Telnet Address:
# of lines
And any additional features/and notes youd like compiled into the list.


Newport - Sysop TLS
i have had a database online for about 2years that does this, ill export it to text and send it to ya if i get a chance, this week i complete the new Tele-Arena module and will be mad busy fixing all the small stuff before compiling a final product to take to Elwynor for distribution licensing.

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 6:07 am
by bsimser
Not sure if you really want to duplicate effort or not. The Telnet BBS Guide is an on-going effort that updates (and I think verifies) a monthly list of telnetable (and dialable) bbs systems.

They have MBBS/WG systems listed. It might be best to just provide them with additional entries rather than rolling-your-own.

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 9:47 am
by dspain
bsimser wrote:Not sure if you really want to duplicate effort or not. The Telnet BBS Guide is an on-going effort that updates (and I think verifies) a monthly list of telnetable (and dialable) bbs systems.

They have MBBS/WG systems listed. It might be best to just provide them with additional entries rather than rolling-your-own.
mine is more of a central database that contains small info like:

Registration#: 00000000
Sysop's Name: John Hancock
Platform: Worldgroup 3.20
ISV Tag: None Registered
Date Registered: Monday June 11, 2008

anytime someone buys an addon from me i input their info or if i find a system out there i was on back in the day i input their info.

i think the guy that originally posted this was thinking in terms of a WG only listing for the community.