Project Status

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Posts: 629
Joined: Sat Apr 01, 2006 9:48 pm
Location: Raleigh, NC

Project Status

Post by Questman »

March 1, 2006

Since the last update, most of the focus has been on getting the modules I have managed to acquire online and working. High Society has been the test bed. The primary focus is the Win32 platform (v3.2+) because that is the platform that most people can run easily. The DOS versions require emulation under Win32, and also the excellent ndis3nt driver from Dan Lanciani to work.

There are about 33 modules on High Society in the ELWYNOR library for download. Most of them are absolutely free of charge. Some have a cost. Again: The only reason there's a charge for anything is to try to offset my personal costs - this project is totally out of pocket for me. But the free modules still require an activation code. Why? Because I want to know who you are and keep you in the community!

I know quite a few of you have been itching to upgrade from the DOS versions but lack NT versions of a few modules - mostly from HVS or DSafe. Please be patient - I'm in touch with both and hope to finish acquiring those soon. There are other folks that I'm still waiting to hear back from that might have their code. I haven't given up, so sit tight and I'll get back to you ASAP.

But for now - check out the modules that are released, and please give me feedback at questman(at)themajorbbs(dot)com.

# David J. McCloskey - CompuTel, author of Forbidden Lands, etc
# Keith Miller, Ed Bush, Louis ? - Logicom, worked with Don Arnel
# Bert Rozenberg - Mountain Rose, was in touch but lost touch
# Anyone from Inner Circle, Infinity Software, East Side Computing, Rifster, Cool Bear Software, Master Designs, Micro City Systems, Microcom Communications Services, Nth Degree, Pangaea Software, and Cow Creations.

If you're a SysOp, please sign-up for the mailing list by e-mailing

April 1, 2006

We added Message Forums to, to make discussions
more permanent, easier to access from anywhere, etc.

We found Mike Baker from Rifster, and Elwynor Technologies completed the purchase of Rifster (including ISD, Wildsoft, and HWM) as well as CovyWare from Jeff Reeder. We've found the Excalibur authors, as well.

We're still looking for the above, minus Rifster, plus SilverWare software (Robert E. Meyer), and others.

Posts: 629
Joined: Sat Apr 01, 2006 9:48 pm
Location: Raleigh, NC

Post by Questman »

Things are still going... albeit slowly; there haven't been any significant ISV findings or acquisitions, although we're still working on a few that we've been in touch with for a while.

We've focused on getting the material up to update the main site - the old static format wasn't really working, so we're moving to a Wiki (see other posts on subject) - I should be able to open that up soon after we get some info in there and the templates up and running - then everyone can help us get it populated with information.

So that's it - keep it here. Note that the forums are still the most active part of this site.
