WG v2.00 & Windows XP-SP3

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WG v2.00 & Windows XP-SP3

Post by JLittge »

Anyone currently running a WG v2.00 on an XP w/ SP3 system? I downloaded the Worldgroup DOS on XP help documentation, and tried following the instructions provided.

The instructions for AUTOEXEC.NT tells me to set a path to all sorts of directories. I'm guessing that these instructions we're also written for some developer related things which I don't need nor use.

The instructions for Config.NT was easy to follow and setup correctly.

Step 3 suggests creating a shortcut to command.com and editing the properties. This in and of itself makes no sense at all to me.

These instructions are for an NT system, as XP installs to c:\windows and not c:\winnt (Unless you specify to do so.) I figure besides the directories themselves that the instructions can be applied to XP since XP use AUTOEXEC.NT/CONFIG.NT.

Other than that I understand the need and use of running DOS=high, umb


I realize this setup isn't exactly optimal, but I don't have another machine currently, and running VM's is a hog on a 32-bit OS.

Your expertise would be appreciated.

Whoops I guess I should provide a reason to why. Whenever I hit option (5) go to boot up WG it crashes and GP's. Pharlap crashes, even makes mention of such in the documentation, but the instructions are very cryptic to me.


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Re: WG v2.00 & Windows XP-SP3

Post by Stoneslinger76 »

JLittge wrote:Anyone currently running a WG v2.00 on an XP w/ SP3 system? I downloaded the Worldgroup DOS on XP help documentation, and tried following the instructions provided.

The instructions for AUTOEXEC.NT tells me to set a path to all sorts of directories. I'm guessing that these instructions we're also written for some developer related things which I don't need nor use.

The instructions for Config.NT was easy to follow and setup correctly.

Step 3 suggests creating a shortcut to command.com and editing the properties. This in and of itself makes no sense at all to me.

These instructions are for an NT system, as XP installs to c:\windows and not c:\winnt (Unless you specify to do so.) I figure besides the directories themselves that the instructions can be applied to XP since XP use AUTOEXEC.NT/CONFIG.NT.

Other than that I understand the need and use of running DOS=high, umb


I realize this setup isn't exactly optimal, but I don't have another machine currently, and running VM's is a hog on a 32-bit OS.

Your expertise would be appreciated.

Whoops I guess I should provide a reason to why. Whenever I hit option (5) go to boot up WG it crashes and GP's. Pharlap crashes, even makes mention of such in the documentation, but the instructions are very cryptic to me.

You may want to check in CNF 1 Hardware that its set to run in windoz/deskview. Also the "timing" just below the run in windoz setting you may need to experiment with. Also check to see that your packet driver is loading correctly and CNF 4 is all set correct reguarding the packet driver IP and others. Search the forums here on "packet driver" if you need help thier is alot for the packet driver.

Good luck :?
telnet://theswampbbs.net or http://theswampbbs.net

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Post by VeNoM »

Consider for a moment that you're attempting to run software that was released when windows 95 was this new idea that hid DOS from you.

WG2.0 is a native DOS app. Windows XP and Native DOS apps do not get along well.

WG2 expects to run in real mode, which means it wants direct access to your hardware. Windows XP doesn't work that way, it lays itself in between your apps and your hardware.

All of this translates to one thing. It takes a bit of work to get this thing running in XP. Its certainly possible, but not always easy.

Its been a while since I've attempted to run wg2 in windows, i have had some success running it under DOSbox in windows, and on linux. I've also run it in a few VM's. None of these have come close to the stability of running it natively on dos.

WG In DosBox
WG In DosBox with Networking (Emulated NE2000 card)
WG in Vmware Server

It sounds like you're on the right track. A few things to consider, in XP you can add things to you path by right-clicking on My Computer, and hitting Properties. I think its somewhere in the advanced settings.
If your directions are talking about paths to pharlap, run286, and borland, you can probably skip them. The most the board really needs for a path is the path to your wg install. And it operates fine without that.
The biggest thing I've ever had to modify to get at least minimal functionality out of WG2 is file handles. Thats the FILES=xx in your config.sys (config.nt). The minimum is FILES=127, most set it higher.

I don't recall needing to set the "Need to run under windows/desqview" option when i ran it under XP. I could be wrong. I cant seem to find my notes on when i set that up. Its possible i enabled it and forgot about it.
SysOp: The Underground BBS

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