Telnet Win7 to WinXP

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Telnet Win7 to WinXP

Post by RebornGamer »

So I have installed on a WinXP computer. I can telnet on that machine to the server.

How can I set it up so I can telnet from a Win7 machine to this one? The connection would be through my router.

Sorry for all of the newb questions lately. But thank you all for the help so far!

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Re: Telnet Win7 to WinXP

Post by Duckula »

You need to make sure that both machines have an IP address on the same network segment (subnet). Once they are you should be able to ping each machine from the other, then using the Win 7 machine telnet to the IP address of the Win XP machine once Worldgroup is running. Make sure that neither machine has anything that would refuse the connection (such as firewall/antivirus) and if these are installed that you allow Telnet port 23 traffic through.
-- Duckula

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Re: Telnet Win7 to WinXP

Post by RebornGamer »

Duckula wrote:
> You need to make sure that both machines have an IP address on the same
> network segment (subnet). Once they are you should be able to ping each
> machine from the other, then using the Win 7 machine telnet to the IP
> address of the Win XP machine once Worldgroup is running. Make sure that
> neither machine has anything that would refuse the connection (such as
> firewall/antivirus) and if these are installed that you allow Telnet port
> 23 traffic through.

Thank you again.

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