Infinity Complex!

Game development for MBBS/WG
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Infinity Complex!

Post by Questman »

So many people have been asking for this one -- it's owned by Elwynor Technologies and it has been something I've taken forever to get to. It was written in 1988, believe it or not. Minor updates after that. The first true "great" game for Major BBS and one of the "big five" modules if there is such a thing, alongside Tele-Arena, Major MUD, etc.

It's been, finally, ported to WG3.2/MBBS10 and it's running on the beta system alongside Worlds of Darkness and Tele-Arena (the new one).

Check it out! Sign up for an account and I'll put you into the CUSTOMER category if you message me.
Founder, The Major BBS Restoration Project
Owner, Elwynor Technologies ISV
Former Owner, Galacticomm IP (2005-2020)
Contributor, Galacticomm IP baseline

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